We struggled for years longing to have a healthy pregnancy. After over 10 years of trying, it happened. We were expecting! We decided on our birth plan and chose Jessica as our midwife without a second thought. There was no other choice for us! Even though we had never had a full term pregnancy and baby for her to deliver, she was an already a incredible source of support in our journey through the years. She walked along side us as much more than a professional as we lost all 4 babies. She helped explain medical jargon I was given by specialists, she grieved with me through each loss, and rejoiced with each new pregnancy. She referred, listened, gave resources, and most importantly she helped me keep hope at the forefront. When the time came for us to deliver our little miracle we rejoiced together. She was attentive, incredibly knowledgeable, and she knew what I needed even when I didn’t. I don’t know of a more well balanced midwife. In all her experience and education, she is still able to come down on our level and alongside us to be present for us emotionally. We are so grateful for her!